Accelerate Your Hiring Process Through AI based Applicant Tracking System.

Streamline Your Recruitment Process from Job Ads to Offer Letters, and Attract Top Talent Faster.

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Gain Maximum Exposure for Your Job Opening: Reach Millions of Qualified Candidates.

Supercharge Your Hiring Efforts with Resumofy Applicant Tracking System: Effortlessly Amplify Your Job Openings across 50+ Premier Job Sites at the Click of a Button.

Candidate Management

Streamline and Simplify Your Candidate Application Management Process with Resumofy.

Our AI-powered Applicant Tracking System ranks applicants based on attributes such as experience, education, skills, and more, enabling you to connect with the top candidates effortlessly. Discover the power of Resumofy in finding the best talent for your organization!

Resume Database

Redefine your candidate sourcing strategy with Resumofy's extensive resume database.

Harness the Power of our Extensive Resume Database to Source and Discover the Best Talent. With Resumofy, you gain access to a vast repository of resumes that empowers you to efficiently source candidates who possess the skills, qualifications, and experience you need.


Our Customers Love Us!

Find out what they have to say about Resumofy.

Resumofy is hands down the best Applicant Tracking System we've ever used. Its user-friendly interface, robust features, and seamless integration capabilities have transformed our recruitment process. Resumofy has elevated our efficiency to new heights.
Navin Gopal
Resumofy Applicant Tracking System has been an invaluable asset, revolutionizing our hiring process. However, the most remarkable benefit it offers is the exceptional candidate pipeline it provides.
Raj Koul

Finally, a Recruitment platform that focuses on entire hiring process.

Resumofy is all in one Applicant Tracking System with AI-powered resume parsing technology for seamless candidate selection and success.

Introducing an exceptional recruitment platform that places AI at the forefront of the hiring process. Say goodbye to traditional methods and embrace the power of AI-driven recruitment. This innovative platform leverages advanced AI technology to streamline and optimize every stage of the hiring journey. From intelligent candidate sourcing to automated resume screening and predictive analytics, this recruitment platform empowers organizations to make smarter, data-driven hiring decisions. Experience the future of recruitment with a platform that harnesses the full potential of AI for seamless and efficient hiring. Welcome to a new era of AI-focused recruitment.

Frequently asked questions about our ATS (FAQ`s)

Resumofy, the cloud-based hiring platform, empowers HR teams and recruitment agencies with cutting-edge digital tools to swiftly and effectively fill positions. With no need for on-premise software or data storage, Resumofy offers a hassle-free and cost-effective solution. From candidate sourcing to seamless onboarding, Resumofy streamlines your entire talent pipeline within a unified application. Experience the future of recruitment management today with Resumofy.

Resumofy utilizes LLM models to summarize applications, boost candidate discovery, and match job requirements. Our AI-powered models rank applicants based on attributes such as experience, education, skills, and more, enabling you to connect with the top candidates effortlessly. Discover the power of Resumofy in finding the best talent for your organization!

Resumofy ATS is built around colloboration as the main aspect. Not only can you source candidates but are able to share candidate notes, favourite lists to speed up hiring process.

Automation is the cornerstone of most hiring platforms. Recruitment involves numerous routine tasks that are crucial to execute accurately, including resume parsing, application updates, interview scheduling, and sending essential offer letters. Resumofy's automated workflows seamlessly handle these tasks as candidates progress through your hiring pipeline. This allows you to allocate more time and energy towards cultivating stronger candidate and client relationships. Experience the power of automation with Resumofy, freeing you to prioritize meaningful connections and enhance your hiring process.

If you're ready to dive right in, check out our free trial. No forced contracts, and no credit card required.

Better Results with ML based matching algorithms

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